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Cheryl Pollock
CEO Founder
& Engineer


About me.....

Cheryl studied mechanical and structural drafting gaining knowledge in welding.

Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and building construction. She worked in the

Production Planning office scheduling shipbuilding construction in a male dominated



In 1989, Cheryl studied Remedial Massage gaining knowledge of the human anatomy

and was then employed by Hunter New England Health in Building & Engineering &

Area Facilities Management where she worked for 19 years.


Then in 2009 Cheryl was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer resulting in a total

hysterectomy & complete lymph node clearance on both the right and left groin areas

leaving her at high risk of developing lymphoedema which led to the innovation &

development of ChezLeon Pty Ltd


Andrew graduated from the University of Sydney in 1988 and has been in private

practice for 28 years. Andrew gained his APA Sports Physiotherapy Title in 1998, and commenced practice at Regent Street Physiotherapy in September 1999.


Andrew is currently the Vice Chairman of the board of the Hunter Academy of S

port and has a keen interest in the care and development of young athletes in the Hunter. He has been a physiotherapy consultant to the academy since 1991.


Andrew has been a casual educator at the University of Newcastle on the Physiotherapy degree since 2007 and teaches for the APA on sports physiotherapy courses.

He is currently participating in research investigating swimmer's shoulder


 B.App.Sc.(Physio) APA Titled Sports PhysiotherapisT


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ChezLeon has International Patents & Design Registrations


2015275301;  2012324014;  210716076

2878382;  ZL 2017 3 0304110.1

004593283-0001;  2855751;  4100176

300998;  1624306;  703704

11201408709T;  D191705;  10918556

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